A village. A people. A journey.
The extraordinary adventure of two little girls whose love
is stronger than any power.
…an ex-exception, that’s to say the exception to the exception to the rule: “If two twin sisters are not perfect twins, then they can inherit witchiness.”
It is laid down that the magic powers of wizards and witches are transmitted solely and exclusively by uncles and aunts to nephews and nieces.
Article Abc section D n° 23.5+6-1 of the Rules of Magic.
This story is dedicated to friendship, the kind that – wherever you turn – is always right in front of you. And sometimes it leaves bruises, not only on the skin either….
Fairy Oak was a lovely village. The stone houses had verandas and gardens full of flowers, protected by walls covered with brambles and wild roses.
Twin children cannot inherit magic powers. Rider b – article Abc section D n° 23.5+6-1 of the Rules of Magic
When a Witch of the Light gets angry she’s capable of incinerating you, only to apologize afterwards (because Witches of the Light are kind), but afterwards.
Light and Dark, one
power creates, the other
destroys. United and opposite, they are
inseparable, neither good
nor bad, both necessary, like day and night…